autumn colors of the swamp

10:22 PM Posted by James Owens

(click on photographs to enlarge)

The Minimal

I study the lives on a leaf: the little
Sleepers, numb nudgers in cold dimensions,
Beetles in caves, newts, stone-deaf fishes,
Lice tethered to long limp subterranean weeds,
Squirmers in bogs,
And bacterial creepers
Wriggling through wounds
Like elvers in ponds,
Their wan mouths kissing the warm sutures,
Cleaning and caressing,
Creeping and healing.

--Theodore Roethke


Anonymous said...
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Roxana said...

i am overwhelmed by this explosion of colours - and, ironically, of what seems to be the acme of freshness when we know so well it's only the aching sign of fading away... (but that is the fascinating paradox which lies at the core of autumn and, perhaps, of so many other things... of life?).

i don't like the poem though, "bacterial creepers
Wriggling" makes me laugh :-)

Marion McCready said...

Lovely pictures, the header is gorgeous! And I really like the Roethke poem also, thankyou!