seed pods

5:59 AM Posted by James Owens

Depression Before Spring

The cock crows
But no queen rises.

The hair of my blonde
Is dazzling,
As the spittle of cows
threading the wind.

Ho! Ho!

But ki-ki-ri-ki
Brings no rou-cou,
No rou-cou-cou.

But no queen comes
In slipper green.

--Wallace Stevens

(Note: I am away from home this week and may be slow in replying to comments and in visiting others' blogs. Thank you for being here. I look forward to catching up!)


Lady Jo said...

James ,

J'ai photographié les même graines de Datura sauvage l'année dernière....hum !
la même vision des choses ???
un peu sans doute !
Bizatoi !

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring images, James. Can't wait for spring!

James said...

I really like the top pods. I don't think I've seen that type before.

S. Etole said...

they hardly look inviting ... but the photos are great

Anne said...

I didn't know this plant and I see in Lady Jo's comment that it is Datura. In the language of flowers, it means "deceptive charms": but it doesn't seems to be true when I look at your nice photos. That's very interesting to see the whole cycle and it makes us think according to the poetic text. Thank you for this publication.

Roxana said...

you are good! you have such an eye and such talent to find the most interesting angle, the one which is able to tell a story - i love them!

oh, and this:
But no queen comes
In slipper green.

it's just perfect.


myonlyphoto said...

James these are very nice close up photos, soon to be green again. Hope all is well, we see you when you are back. Anna :)

Dianne said...

perfect photos, we have those wild cucmbers here, the kids call them porcupine eggs. nice composition in the details.

Oxygène said...

Quelles jolies photos James ! Merci à Lady Jo pour son commentaire qui m'apprend qu'il s'agit de graines de Datura. Je connaissais la fleur mais pas ses graines...
Vivement le printemps... Le soleil et les feuilles commencent à me manquer...
Je te souhaite une très bonne semaine !

Marion McCready said...

It's the bottom picture for me, red berries win every time! really like the Stevens poem, seem to be tripping over him everywhere I look at the moment!

colleen said...

Very interesting shots. I love seening how plant seed pods look in the winter, waiting to bring new life in the Spring.

isabella kramer - veredit said...

Bring uns den Frühling mit,


isabella kramer - veredit said...

Oh, I forgot to write that I love them very prickly beauty, and I have a weakness to photograph them. They are so pure and clean in the meaningful. Hugs

James Owens said...

Lady Jo: Evidemment les grandes âmes comme les nôtres partagent une vision du monde :-) Bises à toi.

Renee: I like flowers and blue sky, but I have mixed feelings about spring. “Winter kept us warm, covering / Earth in forgetful snow, feeding / A little life with dried tubers.”

James: I hadn’t seen this before, either. Bizarre, alien-looking things. I was hoping someone would tell me what they are…..

Susan: No, they don’t appear very friendly. I guess that’s a good thing for seeds. Maybe it helps them avoid being eaten…..

James Owens said...

Anne: "Deceptive charms"? -- I like that. It fits the season, these days that seem to hesitate on the cusp of spring, then change their minds and dash back into the middle of winter.

James Owens said...

Roxanna: Oh, I don't know what to say! You were the inspiration when I started taking pictures, and when you like them ... I am just a little boy again.....

The Stevens's poem: I've always loved this one, and I've been looking for an opportunity to post it.... Funny and melancholy at the same time. It has a certain amount of brash chutzpah, don't you think? What girl doesn't love hearing her hair compared to cow spit?

Friko said...

I came because of your blog's name.
(Rilke is a favourite poet); I stayed to read and admire because of the content.

James Owens said...

Anna: Thank you. No green here yet, but soon … I can feel it approaching

Dianne: Ah, wild cucumbers! “Porcupine eggs,” that’s perfect….

Oxygène: Merci. Moi non plus, je ne savais pas comment s’appellent ces graines … j’apprends beaucoup ici ….

Sorlil: That’s what attracted me to these berries --- red against the background of snow, making them stand out. Stevens … sometimes some ghost just takes hold and insists….

James Owens said...

Colleen: New life ... there is a stirring now, like something vast that is waking underground, stretching its limbs and blinking at the stronger sun ...of course, you must be feeling that more where you are than here....

James Owens said...

Isabella: I wanted to bring the spring :-) but I flew into a huge snowstorm and was stranded there.... Yes, a purity of form in these plants -- the winter light reveals everything in its essentials, so close to life-or-death....

James Owens said...

Friko: Welcome to my blog! Some interesting posts on yours, as well. I'll be back soon for a longer visit....

Gigi Thibodeau said...

I love the textures of these seed pods, James. As much as I love spring, I find myself drawn to late-winter colors and textures, and I always miss them when the greens and pinks and yellows arrive. Must be my melancholic spirit!

Really lovely photos.

James Owens said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James Owens said...

Gigi: Yes, I love this time of year ... brown and gray and such a clean light, everything waiting, gathering ... "Midwinter spring is its own season ... Between melting and freezing / The soul's sap quivers...."

beatrice De said...

On dirait des insectes d'un autre type...

Hello from Lausanne, Switzerland

beatrice De said...

le datera est une plante nocive qui peu être dangereuse. Je n'ai pas les doigts verts, je l'ai appris en montant une vitrine culturelle sur, justement, les plantes nocives, pour un pharmacien. Vitrine qui a tourné dans plusieurs pharmacies de mes clients par la suite. Vitrine qui avait l'air d'être un fleuriste, remplie qu'elle étais de plantes... en soie, pour illustrer les propos.

J'ai aussi découvert le datura dans le jardin d'une copine qui faisait le guide :* cette plante est mortelle, celle-là est dangereuse, avec celle-ci tu peux avoir une diarrhée carabinée etc *. Heureusement qu'elle n'a plus d'enfants en bas âge.

Michèle A-B said...

De la couleur au temps, de la couleur au froid, du rouge sur les joues : reflet ou froidure de l'hiver qui pince ?
Bravo pour tes photos et pour tes poésies.. j'écris aussi parfois maintenant mais beaucoup autrefois.

James Owens said...

Moun: J’aime bien cette saison brune et grise, boueuse et indécise. Envoie-moi quelqu’uns de tes poèmes, si tu voulais. Je serais ravi de les lire…. J’écris des poèmes en français de temps en temps, mais j’ai peur qu’ils ne soient pas très bons…. Je t’embrasse, et j’espère que tu iras mieux bientôt….