hands and wings
Peisaj cu mâini și aripi
În spatele fiecărui om
stă de veghe un înger. Îngerul
din spatele meu a căzut
și totuși ale cui sunt mâinile astea,
aceste mâini fine ca niște aripi
ce atât de nostalgic
îmi acoperă ochii?
Nichita Danilov
Landscape with hands and wings
At every man’s back
an angel stands guard. The angel
behind me has fallen --
so whose hands are these,
hands tender as wings
where longing for the past
darkens my eyes?
(my translation)
Angels they seem so lovely but at the same time they seem so haunting.
i have read this again and now i am happy with the translation :-)
"If some people really see angels where others see only empty space, let them paint the angels:
only let not anybody else think they can paint an angel too, on any calculated principles of the angelic."
John Ruskin
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