12:41 PM Posted by James Owens

naiad dreams in winter

--these are for the water girls--


Roxana said...

oh, it's breathtaking

you are really spoiling us these days!

(i will come back to it, and try to say more)

Marion McCready said...

Third pic from the bottom is just gorgeous, I love the bright colours, the reflected trees, the ice edging across the water! The other pictures are also lovely but this is the breathtaking one for me.

Dianne said...

Ahhh, you feed my eyes and I want more, thank you for showing us what you see, those symbolic water lilies, and the contrast of branches frosted against the ground. Every time I want to photograph or paint it, and know that I couldn't come near to what I see, I remind myself we live in an impressionist painting, just live it! Thanks for sharing your world with us.....

James Owens said...
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James Owens said...

Roxana: Thank you --- but I am sure that I am the one being spoiled!

James Owens said...

Sorlil: I have to admit, I like that one, too. My tendency --- and maybe it is not a good one --- is to treat the pictures like abstract paintings --- I don't care what they are pictures of, really, but areas of color and shape....

James Owens said...

Diane: "we live in an impressionist painting" -- yes! Thank you for saying this --- it is so true, but sometimes so hard to keep ones eyes open...