
7:27 AM Posted by James Owens


Anne said...

They are so nice! I studied spiders for my recent art work and I do love your photos! They remember me how it was an interesting subject. Thank you, James, and have a beautiful weekend.

Lady Jo said...

Bonjour James,
Les araignées me font peur depuis toujours....
celle ci est bien jolie et elles sont utiles ces petites bêtes !
Belle photo.(en couleur;-))!
Très belle journée et bizatoi !

James Owens said...

Anne: They are fascinating creatures. Some mornings I see a big web stretched from branch to branch, shining in the dew, and I know that I could never create anything so delicate and strong.

James Owens said...

Lady Jo: On dit que cette peur des araignées est un des instincts humains les plus profonds. Mais elles sont utiles, oui --- et partout, même si on ne les voit pas. Chaque maison du monde, riche ou pauvre, a ses araignées….

Roxana said...

the colours are so amazing, i can't get enough looking - and then i see their little black eyes (?) - they look like eyes, i have never known this about spiders - it's quite uncanny, sometimes i get the feeling they look back at me.

James Owens said...

Roxana: Yes, those are eyes :-) Most spiders have eight eyes, though some kinds have fewer, and some have no eyes. They are not very good eyes, though, and they probably can't see farther than a few inches ... But they do seem to gleam from the screen with a sharp, predatory interest. This is the truth of "nature" that we try to hide from ourselves --- given a chance, the world would eat us....