as if there is no other world

11:31 PM Posted by James Owens


Lady Jo said...

Bonjour James, je vois le même paysage que par chez nous....
ton arbre ressemble étrangement à celui que j'ai peint il y a quelques jours....
Je te souhaite une très belle journée!
Amitié et bises


Anne said...

L'hiver est un artiste qui simplifie et recompose le paysage. Et vous êtes aussi un artiste qui l'avez compris et nous le restituez.
Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année!

S. Etole said...

Wishing you all the best for the New Year ... and thanking you for the images and words that you share.

Roxana said...

i cannot decide which image i like most, they are so wonderful, in their low key gray softness, how strangely fit the title as well, yes, who says there is another world, perhaps this is the only real world and the rest only the agitated dream of a madman (some Shakespeare echoes in my mind now, i don't know why).
perhaps the third, though - i find myself drawn to it, again and again - asking myself what it could mean to be that tree, to be that silence, that grayness, gently unfolding the essence of the world...

isabella kramer - veredit said...

ich liebe sie diese graue welt, sie wirft uns auf uns selbst zurück. Deine traumhaft schönen Bilder sind voller Poesie ...

Küsse für dich mein Freund,
